Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Best friends ?

...maybe.... all I know is neither one has moved for an hour...

Monday, March 28, 2011

52 letters...

...52 weeks

I'm thinking of joining in on this fun project. You mail one hand written letter a week for a year. I'm a lover of old fashion pen and paper so this caught my attention!

Anyone interested in a lovely hand written letter from yours truly?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fear the turtles!

So exited for my dad. Can't wait to visit Maryland!!

Might as well play...!

I feel like winter is never ending! These random tastes of spring are just torture for me.  But since winter is still around we decided to at least have some fun with it. A couple of weekends ago we went with some of jakes friends snowmobiling up American fork canyon. It was insane! There is a reason we were the only ones up there...we were blazing the trail in five feet of pure powder.  If you stepped off of the snow mobile you risked sinking up to your arm pits in snow, I'm not even joking...insane right?! But we had a blast, even if we spent 90% of the time digging our machines out!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

{The start of 2011}

I think about updating this blog almost daily but never actually do it...I can't promise I'll be any better, but here's to trying!

*I can not believe how fast this last year has gone by!! We are celebrating our 1 year anniversary on Sunday. How will the Hamblins celebrate you ask? DISNEYLAND! A much needed vacation for both of us, and a break from this freezing weather.

*Jake and I have both been really busy with work. Not much free time, and when we do have some time we spend it together relaxing. Apologies go out to all of my friends who I feel like I've abandoned! Please forgive me and lets hang out :) <----- seriously.

*Remember that sweet kitten posted below.... She is a HOLY TERROR! I could never imagine that such a little thing could cause so much chaos. Although, when she's not making me want to pull my hair out, she is pretty cuddly which I love. Molly can't get enough of her. The two of them are seriously best friends. Rue (the cat) must be touching Molly anytime they are sleeping, they have to eat at the same time, and I have even see them playing tug of war....

*We plan on staying in our cozy little shack another year. I miss Salt Lake though :( Next year we will probably look into buying a house, and hopefully I can talk Jake into moving further north.

(The cat is literally running across the key board every 5 seconds so this will have to do for now!)